Delridge light rail alternatives: initial assessment results, public comment open through October 4; 508 installation and PDA advocacy; Solid Waste Rates – Good News; Bike Legislation Amendments; No September In-District Office Hours
September 20th, 2019Delridge Light Rail Alternatives: Initial Assessment Results, Public Comment Open through October 4 Sound Transit has taken a critical next step in implementing Sound Transit 3 in releasing its “initial assessment” of potential additional alternatives to study in the Draft Environmental Impact statement for the West Seattle/Ballard light rail project. If you recall, in May […]
[More]Tags: Bicycle Master Plan, Delridge Multimodal Corridor project, Heroin and Opiate Task Force, In-District Office Hours, Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion, LEAD, MAT, Medication Assisted Treatment, Overdose, PDA, Pigeon Point, Public Defender Association, SDOT, Seattle Public Utilities, Solid Waste Rates, Sound Transit, Sound Transit 3, Steve Lambert, System Expansion Committee, West Seattle Light rail, Yes to Drug Users Health