Black History Month; Hiawatha Play Area; Business Taxes and Preemption; SDOT Report on Delridge Way SW and Bicycle Lanes; Youth Employment Program Application Period is Now Open; In-District Office Hours
February 21st, 2020Black History Month If you haven’t already, consider taking time before this month is over to learn about the history and contributions of Black and African Americans in our country and community. Here are some of our office’s recommendations. What are yours? You’ve probably heard about Ta-Nehisi-Coates’ The Case for Reparations, published in The Atlantic […]
[More]Tags: Bike lanes, Black History Month, Business Tax, Delridge Way, HB 2907, Hiawatha Community Center, Hiawatha Play Area, In-District Office Hours, Rapid Ride H Line, SDOT, Seattle Parks and Recreation, Seattle Youth Employment Program, SYEP