Tag: homelessness

West Seattle Bridge Update; Budget Request from the Regional Homelessness Authority; Sexual Assault Investigations; Seattle Police Management Association Contract Agreement; OPA Director Position Search: Public Forum for Finalists June 8; Southwest Precinct Community-Police Dialogue, June 9; PayUp Passes Unanimously, First in Nation; Shootings Across the Nation

June 4th, 2022

West Seattle Bridge Update As noted last week, the West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force will be meeting on June 9th. SDOT has indicated they will provide an update on the timeline at that meeting. With the completion of structural concrete pours last week, work has proceeded on the next steps in the post-tensioning process. […]


West Seattle Bridge and Transportation Update; Delridge Farmers’ Market Opens May 14th at Hope Academy; Hiring the City’s Next Aging & Disability Services Division Director; Standing for Abortion Rights; Public Safety and Human Services Committee Update; Advocating for Federal Action for RV Residents and Others Experiencing Homelessness; Comment Letter to Police Monitor; Virtual Office Hours

May 14th, 2022

West Seattle Bridge and Transportation Update Earlier this week SDOT reported to the City Council that: “The three pours for the north girder are complete; the three structural pours for the south girder are next. After the final structural pour the contractor can revisit the schedule and provide greater clarity on when their work will […]


West Seattle Bridge Update; Citywide hiring SLI response; Design Commission April 7 meeting on Duwamish crossing and Delridge station; Call for musicians at WS art walks; HSD’s new Farm to Table RFP; SCL looking for feedback on an RV charging station proposal for Morgan Junction; SDOT seeking advisory board members, deadline extended to April 10

April 1st, 2022

West Seattle Bridge Concrete Update The work to attain the specialized concrete needed for the guiding and anchoring the steel cables for the West Seattle Bridge has continued this week. The most recent update is that, on Monday, Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) Materials Laboratory approved the concrete mix design, a necessary step before concrete can […]


West Seattle Bridge Update; Reminder: March 30 West Seattle-Specific Sound Transit Public Hearing; Libraries Adding Operating Hours – Masks Encouraged; Public Safety and Human Services Committee Update; Andover Area Update; 3rd/Pine Bus Stop Temporary Closure; South Park Neighborhood Center Landmarks Board Nomination; Industrial Maritime Engagement in South Park; Vision Zero Signs; Apply to Become an Affordable Home Owner

March 25th, 2022

West Seattle Bridge Update Earlier this week—March 23rd—marked just over two years since the closure of the West Seattle Bridge. I want to take a moment to acknowledge how difficult this has been for residents and businesses on the peninsula and Duwamish communities.  Getting the bridge open as soon as possible remains a high priority […]


West Seattle Bridge Update; Seattle Transportation Plan Update; Water Outage Planned March 22/23 in South Delridge; State Legislative Agenda; Groundbreaking at Pride Place, Senior Housing for LGBTQ+ Elders; It’s Budget Time Already at the Regional Homelessness Authority; Delridge Expansion of Seattle Preschool Program – Apply Now

March 18th, 2022

West Seattle Bridge Update On Tuesday March 15th, Teamsters Local 174 concrete mixer drivers offered to return to work at three locations: Salmon Bay Sand & Gravel, Cadman Seattle, and Lehigh Cement. Their statement recognized the importance of the West Seattle Bridge repair; I thank them for noting this. The companies responded, noting they needed […]


West Seattle Bridge Update; 2020 Budget Rebalancing Deliberations; New Homeless Service Provider Funding; Director’s Rule for Exceptional and Significant Trees; Jump Start Investments; Seattle Transportation Benefit District; Letter to Mayor and Police Chief re: Free Press

July 17th, 2020

West Seattle Bridge Update Reminder: Reconnect West Seattle Survey The Reconnect West Seattle Survey to support communities impacted by the West Seattle Bridge closure will be open through the end of July. As of Tuesday, there were 7,000 responses. Neighborhood Prioritization Process Ballots are an additional opportunity specifically for people who live in Roxhill, Highland […]


West Seattle Bridge Update, May 22; Highland Park Way/SW Holden Safety Project Update; City Employees Redeployed to Help Provide Basic Needs; Tackling Chronic Homelessness in King County; Little Free Pantries Hosts Needed in District 1; East Marginal Way Project Letter of Support; $7 Million in Food Access;

May 22nd, 2020

West Seattle Bridge Update, May 22 SDOT released a “Conceptual Modes of Failure” memo earlier this week, developed by SDOT’s structural engineering consultant, WSP. The memo models how the bridge could deteriorate and potentially fail, and thus helps to identify warning signs. While this study was being developed, it informed the development of the multi-agency […]


Budget Update; Public Hygiene Resources; Hiawatha Play Area; Sidewalk Maintenance; SEPA Update; Constituent Emails; Office Hours

October 18th, 2019

This Week in the Budget Last week the Budget Committee did not meet.  Councilmembers had a deadline on Thursday, October 10 to identify issues to be included in staff memos for the Budget Deliberations and Issue Identification. These meetings began on October 16 and they continue through October 22nd. At these meetings Council Central Staff […]


Homelessness Investments Outcomes; Public Comment Meeting re: SR 99 Tolls; Books for Teachers

June 1st, 2018

Homelessness Investments Outcomes A couple weeks ago, I promised an update on how funds invested by the Human Services Department were spent on in homelessness in 2017 and what were the outcomes. In 2017, HSD invested $54 million in prevention, emergency and housing services for people experiencing homelessness.  CBO identifies $61M in total spending for […]


Nature’s Scorecard; Update: Progressive Tax on Big Business; In-District Office Hours Update

April 27th, 2018

Nature’s Scorecard On Tuesday, the Puget Soundkeeper and the Washington Environmental Council provided my committee a briefing on their joint project, Nature’s Scorecard.  Under the Clean Water Act cities are required to manage stormwater runoff and ensure that combined sewer overflows occur no more than once per outfall per year. Nature’s Scorecard is an easily […]


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