West Seattle Bridge Update, August 14; Statement on Retirement of SPD Chief Best; Parks & Alki; Jumpstart Veto Override and Spending Plan
August 14th, 2020West Seattle Bridge Update, August 14 Next week the West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force will meet on Wednesday, and continue its review and input to the development of the cost-benefit analysis model that will be used in part to decide whether to repair or replace the bridge. We will also continue review of and […]
[More]Posted: August 14th, 2020 under Councilmember Herbold, COVID-19, Homelessness, Office of Police Accountability, Parks and Recreation, Police Department, Public Health, Transportation.
Tags: Alki, Bridge, Jumpstart, parks, police, SPD, SPD Chief, tax, West Seattle, West Seattle Bridge
Tags: Alki, Bridge, Jumpstart, parks, police, SPD, SPD Chief, tax, West Seattle, West Seattle Bridge