Tag: George Floyd

Reflections on the 1 Year Commemoration of the Murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Officers; Covid Updates – West Seattle Covid Site Changes, Free Rides to Vaccinations, A Shot & A Beer; Office of Police Accountability 2020 Annual report; Stronger Protections for Small Business and Nonprofit Tenants; Proclamation Celebrating Landmark Civil Rights Legislation; 911 Dispatch Transferred from SPD; King County Eviction Prevention and Rental Assistance Program

May 28th, 2021

Reflections on the 1 Year Commemoration of the Murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Officers May 25th marked the one year anniversary of the death of George Floyd. I made the following comments at the beginning of the Public Safety and Human Services committee the morning of the 25th: The Seattle Times ran a […]


West Seattle Bridge Update, August 7; 2020 Budget Re-balancing Deliberations; New Free COVID-19 Testing Location; Mayor Extends Eviction Moratorium; Community Input for Police Response to George Floyd Protests

August 7th, 2020

West Seattle Bridge Update, August 7 Reconnect West Seattle Over 15,000 people filled out SDOT’s Reconnect West Seattle surveys in July. For the neighborhood prioritization ballots, Highland Park/Riverview/South Delridge/Roxhill had 1,072 responses; South Park 301; Georgetown 209, and SODO 69. SDOT reports that most people expressed concerns, in the following order, about traffic and congestion; […]


Murder of George Floyd and Demonstrations in Seattle; West Seattle Bridge Update: June 5; COVID Response Funds Available for Community-Based Organizations – Apply by Tuesday 6/9 ; New COVID Testing Capacity in Seattle, with Sites Sought for a West Seattle location; Don Armeni Boat Launch Re-Opens; Emergency Heliports to be Tested at Two West Seattle Parks; Essential Pay for Essential Workers; May Constituent Email Report

June 5th, 2020

Murder of George Floyd and Demonstrations in Seattle This nation has a long and proud history of protest for change; and an even longer history of racial injustice and institutionalized, racialized violence, especially towards Black men and women.  The protests we are experiencing in Seattle, and seeing around the country, are the result of those […]


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