Tag: Duwamish River Opportunity Fund

ADU Legislation; Update SPD staffing report; DROF Applications and Trainings; South Park Library Reopened; Recycling Update; In-District Office Hours; Delridge Way SW—Rapid Ride H Line survey

June 21st, 2019

ADU Legislation Update The Sustainability and Transportation committee voted on Tuesday to advance the Accessory Dwelling Unit legislation. There were several amendments that were discussed, including two of mine.  I support the construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) which can provide more housing options in our city, as well as potentially provide an income source […]


Bus Service for Delridge; Developer Impact Fees; Duwamish Valley Action Plan; Duwamish River Opportunity Fund Taking Applications; June Constituent Email Report;

July 6th, 2018

Transportation Benefit District Changes Allow for Additional Service for Delridge Last week the City Council passed legislation amending the criteria for Seattle Transportation Benefit District (STBD) spending; under state law, these funds can only be used for transportation purposes. One of the key changes is to amend the spending criteria to allow the STBD to […]


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