Tag: crime

COVID Vaccines – D1 Updates, Vaccine Equity; West Seattle Bridge Updates; SW Precinct Crime Rates; Consent Decree Update/Less Lethal Weapons; Property Tax Relief for Elders; South Park Community Center Redevelopment Open House; Virtual Office Hours

February 22nd, 2021

COVID Vaccines – D1 Updates, Vaccine Equity Between the West Seattle bridge closure, significant congestion on detour routes off the peninsula, and limited access to the lower bridge, District 1 residents are virtually cut off from vaccine and healthcare providers.  And District 1 residents – especially those 65 and older – are lagging behind other […]


West Seattle Bridge Update; COVID-19 Update; SPD Crime Dashboard; March Constituent Email Report

April 10th, 2020

West Seattle Bridge Update With the length of the bridge closure uncertain, but not short, ensuring good access to fire and EMS services in West Seattle is of vital importance. My office inquired with Fire Chief Scoggins about Fire and EMS response in West Seattle during the closure of the West Seattle Bridge. Chief Scoggins […]


South Park Crime Data; Vote on Short-Term Rentals; Seattle Ranks #1 for Small Business Growth; South Park Community Center

December 15th, 2017

Southwest Precinct/South Park Crime Data Recently I met with the Seattle Police Department about concerns regarding crime data for South Park. I’ve heard from South Park residents that crime statistics provided by SPD didn’t accurately reflect their experience. Given the relatively small size of the neighborhood and number of residents, it seemed that crime statistics […]


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