Tag: Constituent Email Report

Murder of George Floyd and Demonstrations in Seattle; West Seattle Bridge Update: June 5; COVID Response Funds Available for Community-Based Organizations – Apply by Tuesday 6/9 ; New COVID Testing Capacity in Seattle, with Sites Sought for a West Seattle location; Don Armeni Boat Launch Re-Opens; Emergency Heliports to be Tested at Two West Seattle Parks; Essential Pay for Essential Workers; May Constituent Email Report

June 5th, 2020

Murder of George Floyd and Demonstrations in Seattle This nation has a long and proud history of protest for change; and an even longer history of racial injustice and institutionalized, racialized violence, especially towards Black men and women.  The protests we are experiencing in Seattle, and seeing around the country, are the result of those […]


West Seattle Bridge: May 1 Update; Washington State Ferries; Sexual Assault Survivors; Small Business Owners; West Seattle Farmers’ Market; Friday Night Lights; March Constituent Email Report

May 1st, 2020

West Seattle Bridge: May 1 Update Contractor Hired for Bridge Stabilization SDOT announced they have hired a contractor, Kraemer North America, to carry out stabilization work needed for the West Seattle Bridge. Cracks have continued to grow on the bridge, albeit at a slower rate than when traffic was on the bridge. For this reason, […]


Legacy Business Nominations Open through February 14th; November Constituent Email Report

December 11th, 2019

Legacy Business Nominations Open through February 14th In 2016, my first week as a Councilmember, a District 1 resident brought me the idea of a Seattle Legacy Business Program, modeled after a successful San Francisco effort: to “recognize that longstanding, community-serving businesses can be valuable cultural assets to the City.  In addition, the City intends […]


Prolific Offenders Report Follow Up; Proclamation honoring April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month; Library Levy and Public Hearing; March Constituent Email Report

April 5th, 2019

Prolific Offenders Report Follow Up There has been a lot of discussion and coverage of a recent report commissioned by a collaborative effort of several of Seattle’s small business associations. The television special called “Seattle is Dying” further amplified the public dialogue. Let me first say that we need, and I commit to bring urgency […]


SDOT Snow Response interactive map and arterials prioritized for clearing; Garbage Collection in Inclement Weather; The Future of Camp Second Chance; West Seattle Junction RPZ proposal up for public comment through March 15; February 28 meeting; January Constituent Email Report; In-District Office Hours

February 8th, 2019

SDOT Snow Response Interactive Map and Arterials Prioritized for Clearing Winter weather has arrived, so here’s information about SDOT’s snow response resources:  SDOT’s interactive map showing which roads have been treated or cleared in the last hour, three hours, and twelve hours. You can view it by neighborhood. Here’s SDOT’s Winter Weather Response webpage, and […]


Re-entry Workgroup Recommendations for Those Being Released From Incarceration; Showbox Update; Closed Captioning; November Constituent Email Report

December 7th, 2018

Re-entry Workgroup Recommendations for Those Being Released From Incarceration Last November I shared with you the efforts of the Seattle Re-entry Workgroup.  Resolution 31637, passed in 2015, convened a workgroup to develop policies and strategies to strengthen the City of Seattle’s effort to assist with reentry after incarceration including reducing recidivism, and alleviating the negative […]


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